- A nice article on Stack-traces :- http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/Programming/Stacktrace/
- A very nice overview of Java Performance problems at a high-level and the tools available in Java to debug/track them :- http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/J2SE/monitoring/
- Then there are many tools like jhat, jmap, jstat, and the more popular visualGC tool, which internally uses jstat API's...
Our popular Java IDE, Eclipse, also has a new Memory Analzer tool---you can read a nice little article on it at :- http://blog.richeton.com/2009/06/12/memory-analysis-with-eclipse-35/
But of all these tools, the one I liked the most is the newest VisualVM tool---which, unfortunately is provided ONLY with JDK 1.6 update 7 and above as of now...
This tool has a very nice, unified Interface, with the provision of Installing other plugins to enable monitoring things like Glassfish, Tomcat, etc..
It also provides very neat features to generate Heap-dumps, try to perform Garbage Collection (GC), and plugins &/or tabs integrating the display of jconsole, visualGC parameters, etc.
Just decided to share this Thread-Dump---of one of the millions of threads running in my mind today...! :)
Purr-haps, it will help some-one...some-where...some-how..some-when..?? :))