Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Plethora of Java Performance Monitoring Tools...! :)

We have suddenly encountered a heavy demand for light-weight, easy-to-use tools to perform some "detective work" and diagnose Performance bottlenecks and the in-famous Out-Of-Memory Errors in Java environments like Tomcat Server instances, etc.

Our popular Java IDE, Eclipse, also has a new Memory Analzer tool---you can read a nice little article on it at :- http://blog.richeton.com/2009/06/12/memory-analysis-with-eclipse-35/

But of all these tools, the one I liked the most is the newest VisualVM tool---which, unfortunately is provided  ONLY with JDK 1.6 update 7 and above as of now...

This tool has a very nice, unified Interface, with the provision of Installing other plugins to enable monitoring things like Glassfish, Tomcat, etc..

It also provides very neat features to generate Heap-dumps, try to perform Garbage Collection (GC), and plugins &/or tabs integrating the display of  jconsole, visualGC parameters, etc.

Just decided to share this Thread-Dump---of one of the millions of threads running in my mind today...! :)

Purr-haps, it will help some-one...some-where...some-how..some-when..?? :))


Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Well..here it is..below...my version of the He(ART)...! :)

How is it..!??!?
(Look @ the shine on it..!!! )

And if you are curious, well, the figure above was made by drawing many nested HEART-Curves...one inside the other...(like the layers of Onion--
Allium cepa..! :) )...

And each of such layer is given as below...

...this is done by a parametric-set of equations that I crazily obtained by pure, sheer Serendipity, and Stubborn-ness in terms of tweaking various parameters with a MAD Hope against OLL rhyme or reason...!! :)
[Note : (a,b,c) = (3,2,2) ]

There then, is it NOT better than the "blunt" 
Cardioid ? What do you reckon..? ;)

I think I should call it Ugare's Heart..!??! ;-)

Truly..when we are (B/M)AD-ly in LOVE...we tend to get some immensely beautiful things...!! :)

And even Science, has to forgo ALL Logic, and plunge madly, with Intuition and Hope, to uncover new (de)-Lights..!!!??

Love & Cheers !

The boy in "rags"

Wherever you go, go with ALL your HEART.
:~ Confucius

The Cardiod


You must surely have heard of the
Cardioid---which produces a supposedly HEART-like shape.

But why am I telling you this well-known(?! :) ) fact/entity..?? :)

Well...that is just to put it in purr-spective---because I would like to show you the HEART-like shape that "Flew to me"--yes, flew is the word----flew magically to a hapless, clueless Me....when I was experimenting this weekend...alone...in my room... :)

Ever since I was introduced to the Cardioid, I was NEVER happy with its "bluntness"!
I needed something Sharp & more closely resembling the Heart-shape that we are accustomed to seeing on one of the suits of playing cards..!

I created the following figure...with the equation as mentioned below...
(Click on the pic below..!)

So....jussst wait fer the HEART-shape that....flew to Me...! :)

"The moron in rags"

Monday, November 30, 2009

Genius Again...! :)

I do not have too many words to say this time...i mean NOW..!
(Also because, it is freezing cold here, & i got drenched in it...& my fingers are numb, & paining...!)

But the main reason...is that...ALL my words...are embedded in the below Picture-article...that i created literally drop-by-drop...OLL day & night yesterday...sitting ALONE in my room...and trying to understand what the wind howling @ my window was trying to say to me-Moron..!!

See fer yourself..! :)

And please do let me know HOW it is...!
Will You pa..??
Isn't it PURE, SHEER Genius of the Highest ORDER...!??

Well...me jusst want to "Discover" & SHARE more & More of it, while i am here on EARTH...!

There is Genius in the Universe...in trees, insects, & even people all around...and hence, in U(s) too...
it is simply thrilling to contemplate the magic in it...!!
Click on the below image to know more/WHY...

This is what i call..umm..an article that delighted my Image-ination...!! :)
{Very hard fer pagination though...! ;))}

So...without...much ado..
Here we go...! :)

LOVE & best wishes,

the boy in "rags"
Below is a Calvin & Hobbes strip with a nice word-play too..! ;)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Seven petals...! :)

Hi pa...!!!

Please Look @ this &

Please LET me know...if(??) and when(??) you CAN...
Click on the image below...!
I have purr-posely left the Axes as they were....!!
Was doing some CRAZY(Yes !! CRAZY !! ) experimentation yester-night...ALONE...in my haunted room, when i was feeling a bit LONELY and SAD too..!

Needless to say, this beauty was drawn by...by... Equations----
They're my lovely Artist-friends WHOM i can disturb @ ANY time...who will respond immediately..unconditionally...& work diligently...much like computers...

Like my artist-friends...they too have Soo many Secrets & beautiful things hidden deep in their hearts...



Ha ha ha !

Unlike most of my Gifted friends......i am good ONLY in Cartooning & Doodling
;-)Ha ha ha !

The above diagram has 7 petals in it...it evolved from Amoeba-like doodles...after hours of MAD experiments...
[Perhaps i played GOD in its Evolution....!!?? ;-)]
7 is one of my favourite Numbers...
7 Colors in Rainbow, 7 notes of Music...strange Co-incidences....

And to top it.....7 is even my House-number in Bangalore..! :)
And What's MORe...7 is a PRiME...!!!
{ Ha ha ha !! My frens here know HOW crazy me is bout PRIME numbers..!!! Yesterday my frend Adarsh assigned me a High-Priority-BUG & me guessed that the Bug number 641 was Prime...
& was so Happy to know/confirm it WAS indeed Prime...!!! :)))



Have tons of Wonder-filled times with OLL your friends, & Loved 'n' Loving ones then..!!! :)
Take care, & Enjoy ...!! :)

With Lots of LOVE & Best Wishes,

the moron in "rags"
Planet (H)Eart(h)
If you cannot be a poet, be the poem.
~David Carradine

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Unfading ROSE...! :)

StubBORN (He)ART....!!

Hi pa..!!!

Recently, I'd been smitten by the thought of generating Flowers that don't fade & die away...those that i don't need to hurt and pluck too...!!
As I admit, I'm a bit weird...esp. with flowers...& some people too...whom i treat/view like flowers...! :)
[Simply because they ARE so wonderful & precious fer Me..!]

Yes...I mean flowers generated with equations...! :)

Ever since I had seen things like the
in Engineering Mathematics, I'd been fascinated by them..but somehow, unfortunately, the fascination had got covered up in the sands of time...

But recently, i have been MAD..
.( as if I wasn't before..Ha ha ha !!)...!!

I did NOT realize JUSST How MAD i was, as i sat day & night...scribbling equations in Polar-co-ordinates & trying to vary different parameters & obtaining Different kinds of flowers, with different degrees of Symmetry, Numbers of petals, etc..!
And since a very Dear friend of mine loves ROSEs ( & oLL Flowers!)...well, I was hell-bent on somehow creating a mathematical PLOT that resembles a ROSE...but All my efforts went in vain...! :-/

There was a phase when I at-last gave-up...saying to my-self...that

"Everything in Nature can NOT be reduced to Mere Numbers & equations...!

We can NOT, & should NOT take away the Beauty of things by looking at them through the spectacles of Science...!"

But then, one day (or night..? I do not reckon the time..! )...

I came across this interview with my
ever-effervescent friend Richard Feynman, where he spoke about His view of
"The Beauty of a Flower" ...

He said ---
Science (if done properly that is !! ), only serves to "ADD to" , and not "SUBTRACT frem" the Immense BEAUTY around us..! :)
Oh my ..!!

THAT was oLL i needed---some-One to boost my lonely morale...!!
Now-a-nights (like Now-a-days--bear with my in-voluntary word-play..! ;)), it's usually ONLY Ghosts & my Nice friends frem the past, & my Dreams of the future..that listen to Me-moron...! Hmmm..! :)

I had earlier discovered an amazing equation to make a
butter-fly (Can it ?? Can butter do..?! ;) )...but What i wanted was a ROSE...!! :-(
So...i ROSE...!!

And late that night...as I sat varying parameters in an equation, I suddenly JUMPED out of my stupor..!

Because, I thought I saw something that resembled the complex, inward spiralling whorls of a ROSE flower..!!
(Much like a Paper rolled into a cone...viewed from the top..!)
YES !! ---I shouted..!
My version of
"Eureka!!" :) --also, I was on my bed in my pyjamas, rather than in a bath-tub in my birthday suit..hehehe..!! ;) Nevertheless, like
Archimedes , I too was "Immersed"... in a kind of absent-minded thought...! :)

My equation-plot looked like a ROSE...!!!
And seeing it...I sat smiling, and... froze...!! :))
Ha ha ha !

Anyway, the equation & its details are as below...
( We can replace Sine by CoSine...no problemo...!)

And the ROSE ??
Well here she is...(in 2 colors...! :))

Also the Butterfly equation & the corresponding Butterfly are as below...!

As for the Rose...it was a pleasant surprise (as ALWAYS !!)...that I was NOT alone to have come to the island of this discovery...!!


That's an Amazing feeling...it's like discovering a lonely looking island...only to find some-one already there...HOW or WHY do different people grope & stumble upon the same Beautiful (or otherwise) islands, Truths, ideas, concepts, etc..!?!? :)
Whatever it is...me SO glad that I am NOT addicted to
Google-ing immediately...ELSE...I would not have experienced what Feynman called..."The Pleasure of Finding Things Out" ..!! :)
I learnt that an Italian mathematician,
Guido Grandi had studied the curves he had lovingly named "rhodonea"..!
Hmmmmm...! :)

Phew !!!
THANK you SO MUCH for Listening to Me-MORON & my narration of what is surely the makings of a StubBORN (he)ART. . .& its Un-FaDing MAdness...!! :)
Take Care then...!
And Keep Smiling...with your Loved & Loving ones...!

Lots o Loooove & Best Wishes,

mor(e)on "rags". . . :)
Planet (H)eart(h)
And NOW, for a Hilarious ( & True..?! ;) ) explanation of another question..!
Question ? "WHY do MEN Like Expensive things..?"
Answer ? "Because WOMEN Do." ;-)

Enjoy the below cartoon, courtesy Hart


Monday, October 26, 2009

Good Morning...! :)

A Strange Leaf-less (but NOT Life-less!) Beauty..!! :)

GooooD Morning pa..!! :)

I don't know WHY or HOW...I Jussssst Do NOT why My dangerously associative Mind gets triggered with THAT memory...! ( a Very Messy, Mind in deed..!!)

But the below snap...or the Leaf-less plant with lovely "
sessile"('stalk-less') flowers...reminds me of a LOVE-ly painting of a Blossoming 'Aaaalmond'-plant done by my "alter-ego"--the wonderful Vincent Van Gogh ...after he had returned from a brief visit to Japan, getting influenced by their style of paintings...

Jussst Wanted to SHARE that thought...NOT that my snap is in anyway good--it's NOT..!

But that the Flowers, are Sooo Love-ly...!! :)


Take Care then...

Keep Smiling...& enjoy with your Loved & Loving ones...!

Lots o Loooove & Best Wishes,

mor(e)on "rags". . . :)
Planet (H)eart(h)


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Un-Lightenment..! :-/

(f)-or Pseudo-science. . .

Thanks to Microsoft 's research project code-named Project-Tuva, (which is actually a nice way of attracting people to try out their new web-app runtime/platform SilverLight ..!), I was watching the first of the Messenger Series Lectures on the Character of Physical Law delivered at Cornell University by none other than one of the MOST brilliant theoretical physicists, & one of the most original thinkers of recent times--- Richard Feynman...!!

After explaining
the Law of Gravitation in a way that ONLY he can do, he paused & went into the applications of the law...

I quote below the excerpt of his lecture verbatim...

"The only applications [of the gravitational law] I could think of were,

first, in some geophysical prospecting,

in predicting the tides;

nowadays, more modernly, in working out the motions of the satellites and the planet probes, and so on, that we send up–

and also, modernly, (his head bows down..he smiles wryly...)
to calculate the predictions of the planets' positions,
which have great utility for astrologers to publish their predictions and horoscopes in the magazines.

That’s the strange world we live in, . . .

that all the advances and understanding . . .

are used. . .

ONLY to continue the NON-sense
which has existed for 2,000 years...!"


Oh My !!!

You MUST truly hear this LAST sentence in the Lecture I say...!
The intonation, everything shows how agitated he feels..!)

SUCH Pain...Such wry humour, Such ANGST...such helpless frustration & shame...was/is ALL so evident in his ever smiling face when he said/says this...!!

In fact, for a very short-while, his always-effervescent face almost becomes grim...!

Needless to say, it HURTS
to see Science again being made to Work for Pseudo-Science, which ONLY serves to mis-Guide our lives, rather than Enlighten & Guide us from the Depths of our Ignorance...!


Anyway, thanks to Mr.
Bill Gates for his initiative of buying these gems of thought & sharing them with the rest of the world...


"I just hope we EVOLVE soon to become Better, Wiser, truly SAP-ient species...like Trees
" :-raghu.ugare

With Lots of Love, & HOPE & Best Wishes fer U(s). . .

The boy in "rags"

Planet (H)eart(h). . .
Now, fer some light-hearted humour on Parents' view of what kids learn @ school..!


Monday, October 12, 2009

i Regret...

On the eve of my B'day (October-12), I have been seeing a lot of love-ly flowers...!! :)
Not as Gifts...i do not like to pluck flowers...but only pick them...as i say..!!
But if i consider , Friends = Flowers, then me seeing LOTS of Sweet Flowers..!! :)

As my dear friends know, I've always been a bit eccentric in my notions towards them---
---and me stumbled upon a beauty of a poem which expresses my dilemma so wonderfully indeed...

I am quoting it below..verbatim...! :)
{ Re-usability, one of the corner-stones of
SOA--nay common-sense..!! :) }

tsumu mo oshi
tsumanu mo oshiki
sumire kana

Well, this strange looking thing is actually a poignant piece of art--an anonymous Haiku ...!

It 'says' JUST what i always feel
whenever I look at, or even imagine a love-ly Flower

I regret picking
and not picking

The same thing applies to Photography...
where i am constantly reminded of the sheer limitations of our Cameras & equipments in framing the Beauty that abounds...& our efforts in still trying to capture whatever we can..in vain..!


That said, we Still Need to be Stub-BORN, to snap something that makes other sleepy fellow-beings WAKE-up & take notice of the Extra-Ordinary in the Ordinary...!!

I luckily have some Truly Great photographer friends, who Can & Keep Doing, Exactly that---Absolute Wizards indeed..! :)

I don't mean to play down their splendid work at all....but...am simply smiling @ ourselves--Humans.....can't help it..! :)))

To capture a snap, I have to Stay OUT of the love-ly moment(s)...observing, judging, as to WHAT is the BEST angle, exposure, etc...but this prevents me from Getting LOST in the moment(s)...!

I....I simply can NOT afford to ferGet my-Self..!?!

Sometimes, me get blindingly clear flashes of that incredible epiphany that dawns on the character of Dr.Ethan Powell, played by
Sir Anthony Hopkins in one of my ALL time favourite movies..."Instinct" ...where he simply drops his big Nikon SLR camera, & starts TRULY "seeing" one of the most rare & endangered species, the Mountain Gorillas fer the first time...!!

Anyway, THANK you SOO much, fer Listening...to My mumblings...& My regret...!! :)

Love & Cheers...!!

The boy in "rags"

Yester-night..me also came up with a statement...to one o' my dear friends..

Rags'law/conjecture on Miracles...
"The Sum total of people believing in Miracles is/remains Constant..."

Because Miracles ONLY happen to those who believe in them...& Only those People continue to believe they happen..while everything is vice-versa fer the other kind of people..!!!

And each category of people PASS on their (Dis-)-Belief to exactly ONE "special" person, Before THEY Go..! :)
[Q E D]