Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Unfading ROSE...! :)

StubBORN (He)ART....!!

Hi pa..!!!

Recently, I'd been smitten by the thought of generating Flowers that don't fade & die away...those that i don't need to hurt and pluck too...!!
As I admit, I'm a bit weird...esp. with flowers...& some people too...whom i treat/view like flowers...! :)
[Simply because they ARE so wonderful & precious fer Me..!]

Yes...I mean flowers generated with equations...! :)

Ever since I had seen things like the
in Engineering Mathematics, I'd been fascinated by them..but somehow, unfortunately, the fascination had got covered up in the sands of time...

But recently, i have been MAD..
.( as if I wasn't before..Ha ha ha !!)...!!

I did NOT realize JUSST How MAD i was, as i sat day & night...scribbling equations in Polar-co-ordinates & trying to vary different parameters & obtaining Different kinds of flowers, with different degrees of Symmetry, Numbers of petals, etc..!
And since a very Dear friend of mine loves ROSEs ( & oLL Flowers!)...well, I was hell-bent on somehow creating a mathematical PLOT that resembles a ROSE...but All my efforts went in vain...! :-/

There was a phase when I at-last gave-up...saying to my-self...that

"Everything in Nature can NOT be reduced to Mere Numbers & equations...!

We can NOT, & should NOT take away the Beauty of things by looking at them through the spectacles of Science...!"

But then, one day (or night..? I do not reckon the time..! )...

I came across this interview with my
ever-effervescent friend Richard Feynman, where he spoke about His view of
"The Beauty of a Flower" ...

He said ---
Science (if done properly that is !! ), only serves to "ADD to" , and not "SUBTRACT frem" the Immense BEAUTY around us..! :)
Oh my ..!!

THAT was oLL i needed---some-One to boost my lonely morale...!!
Now-a-nights (like Now-a-days--bear with my in-voluntary word-play..! ;)), it's usually ONLY Ghosts & my Nice friends frem the past, & my Dreams of the future..that listen to Me-moron...! Hmmm..! :)

I had earlier discovered an amazing equation to make a
butter-fly (Can it ?? Can butter do..?! ;) )...but What i wanted was a ROSE...!! :-(
So...i ROSE...!!

And late that night...as I sat varying parameters in an equation, I suddenly JUMPED out of my stupor..!

Because, I thought I saw something that resembled the complex, inward spiralling whorls of a ROSE flower..!!
(Much like a Paper rolled into a cone...viewed from the top..!)
YES !! ---I shouted..!
My version of
"Eureka!!" :) --also, I was on my bed in my pyjamas, rather than in a bath-tub in my birthday suit..hehehe..!! ;) Nevertheless, like
Archimedes , I too was "Immersed"... in a kind of absent-minded thought...! :)

My equation-plot looked like a ROSE...!!!
And seeing it...I sat smiling, and... froze...!! :))
Ha ha ha !

Anyway, the equation & its details are as below...
( We can replace Sine by CoSine...no problemo...!)

And the ROSE ??
Well here she is...(in 2 colors...! :))

Also the Butterfly equation & the corresponding Butterfly are as below...!

As for the Rose...it was a pleasant surprise (as ALWAYS !!)...that I was NOT alone to have come to the island of this discovery...!!


That's an Amazing feeling...it's like discovering a lonely looking island...only to find some-one already there...HOW or WHY do different people grope & stumble upon the same Beautiful (or otherwise) islands, Truths, ideas, concepts, etc..!?!? :)
Whatever it is...me SO glad that I am NOT addicted to
Google-ing immediately...ELSE...I would not have experienced what Feynman called..."The Pleasure of Finding Things Out" ..!! :)
I learnt that an Italian mathematician,
Guido Grandi had studied the curves he had lovingly named "rhodonea"..!
Hmmmmm...! :)

Phew !!!
THANK you SO MUCH for Listening to Me-MORON & my narration of what is surely the makings of a StubBORN (he)ART. . .& its Un-FaDing MAdness...!! :)
Take Care then...!
And Keep Smiling...with your Loved & Loving ones...!

Lots o Loooove & Best Wishes,

mor(e)on "rags". . . :)
Planet (H)eart(h)
And NOW, for a Hilarious ( & True..?! ;) ) explanation of another question..!
Question ? "WHY do MEN Like Expensive things..?"
Answer ? "Because WOMEN Do." ;-)

Enjoy the below cartoon, courtesy Hart



  1. You just took me to the horrors of PUII maths exams and its preceding preparations...man..these equations look so horrifying to me...
    i thoroughly enjoyed reading ur thoughts.U have always been a good manipulator of words and so be it.

  2. My maths is weak but I do like your child like enthusiasm in understanding and appreciating mathematics.

  3. Thanks a lot @Joyblogger..!

    Thank u @Rashmi -- and yes, I too have always been notoriously weak in Math right frem my school-days...! ( very weak in getting the 'right' answers..! )...but fortunately, I'm discovering that I was MADE to appear that way by the system of teaching Math at school...

    Math, like the other beautiful things in nature, is ALWAYS there fer OLL of us to ENJOY...! :)



Pleeze do give me YOUr (in)valuable feedback...!
Thanks a lot in deed.. :)