On the eve of my B'day (October-12), I have been seeing a lot of love-ly flowers...!! :)
Not as Gifts...i do not like to pluck flowers...but only pick them...as i say..!!
But if i consider , Friends = Flowers, then me seeing LOTS of Sweet Flowers..!! :)
As my dear friends know, I've always been a bit eccentric in my notions towards them---
---and me stumbled upon a beauty of a poem which expresses my dilemma so wonderfully indeed...
I am quoting it below..verbatim...! :)
{ Re-usability, one of the corner-stones of SOA--nay common-sense..!! :) }
tsumu mo oshi
tsumanu mo oshiki
sumire kana
Well, this strange looking thing is actually a poignant piece of art--an anonymous Haiku ...!
It 'says' JUST what i always feel whenever I look at, or even imagine a love-ly Flower
I regret picking
and not picking
The same thing applies to Photography...where i am constantly reminded of the sheer limitations of our Cameras & equipments in framing the Beauty that abounds...& our efforts in still trying to capture whatever we can..in vain..!
That said, we Still Need to be Stub-BORN, to snap something that makes other sleepy fellow-beings WAKE-up & take notice of the Extra-Ordinary in the Ordinary...!!
I luckily have some Truly Great photographer friends, who Can & Keep Doing, Exactly that---Absolute Wizards indeed..! :)
I don't mean to play down their splendid work at all....but...am simply smiling @ ourselves--Humans.....can't help it..! :)))
To capture a snap, I have to Stay OUT of the love-ly moment(s)...observing, judging, as to WHAT is the BEST angle, exposure, etc...but this prevents me from Getting LOST in the moment(s)...!
I....I simply can NOT afford to ferGet my-Self..!?!
Sometimes, me get blindingly clear flashes of that incredible epiphany that dawns on the character of Dr.Ethan Powell, played by Sir Anthony Hopkins in one of my ALL time favourite movies..."Instinct" ...where he simply drops his big Nikon SLR camera, & starts TRULY "seeing" one of the most rare & endangered species, the Mountain Gorillas fer the first time...!!
Anyway, THANK you SOO much, fer Listening...to My mumblings...& My regret...!! :)
Love & Cheers...!!
The boy in "rags"
Yester-night..me also came up with a statement...to one o' my dear friends..
Rags'law/conjecture on Miracles...
"The Sum total of people believing in Miracles is/remains Constant..."
Because Miracles ONLY happen to those who believe in them...& Only those People continue to believe they happen..while everything is vice-versa fer the other kind of people..!!!
And each category of people PASS on their (Dis-)-Belief to exactly ONE "special" person, Before THEY Go..! :)
[Q E D]
Hmm!! very true.. we tend to forget to enjoy the little and the beautiful things around us while trying to capture it for the future :-)