I want to share the below conversation I saw/remembered. . .which illustrates the contradictory-looking nature/words of the great Eastern Masters...(that's because, the underlying Reality/illusion itself...is so contradictory...with such a dual nature, that its description too becomes cryptic & even non-sense to the Logical Mind, which can never get it...!)
A great Indian Master was once asked by one of his perplexed disciples,
"Master, I really do not understand...!! You once said that -- 'The journey to Enlightenment is very hard and arduous! '
but..but...I also remember you saying yesterday that-- 'Enlightenment is right Here and NOW...you don't have to go anywhere to get it!'
How is this possible..? Isn't that contradictory..?"
To this, the Master nodded his head, smiled and calmly replied:
"Not at all. What i said is true. Enlightenment, or GOD or whatever you may want to label it...is ALWAYS Right Here, & Right NOW..! But are YOU..??
It is YOU who is NOT HERE & NOW...!!
You are in your false world of illusions...always either in the PAST or in the FUTURE...either HERE or THERE..!!
Hence, it is YOU who has a long & arduous journey to the HERE & the NOW...! Enlightenment/GOD...is waiting fer YOU..Right Here, Right Now..!
It is Right here, Right now--in fact all around YOU...in your blood, in your breath, in every heart-beat of yours...! But are YOU here..? NO !!NEVER..!!
It is difficult for you to leave the world your ego has created--replete with a false sense of security, wealth, name, etc...!
It needs Courage to take that plunge...& to really "SEE"...the fact that the process is EASY because of GOD...but difficult because of YOU..!! " ------------------
This was a pleasant surprise indeed..thatSpringSource, after much careful deliberation agreed to be acquired & be a part ofVMwareinc.
And it is heartening indeed to know that, despite being acquired byVMware, SpringSourcewill continue to be committed to supporting its open-source, free model...& that VMware also supports this idea, thus bringing smiles to the developer-community all around the world..!
Can't wait to see the new wave of "children"---i mean the innovative products & architectural paradigms that could come about with this marriage of 2 innovative, complementary halves...! ;-)
Love & Cheers...!! The boy in "rags" Planet(H)eart(h)
I spent hours struggling to "express" something I badly wanted to share...! ...Something that struck me with Awe...while I could only wonder & stare...!!!
I may EVEN start a new blog DEDICATED to share the Gems of this great Indian genius--called Ramanujan ...
I have decided to christen that series--"Ramanu-Gems"---the gems of Ramanujan..! :)
HOWEVER, for (starters!) now...
Please let me know...if the presentation is Good enough...!!
I just want to "present" this SHEER Gem of a person & his works to the World...in a way that captivates the interests of MANY such budding talents...blossoming flowers, which get trampled in the bud itself...by some sheer stupidity on the part of teachers, & the so-called grown-ups..!!! :-(
Love & Best Wishes,
The boy in "rags" Planet(H)Eart(h) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CLICK on the image below..to see the love-ly gem of an equation by Ramanujan..!
Have been wanting to share this since Friendship-day..!! But fer ma'friends, everyday is Friendship day..! :)
So...although me too late...as ALWAYS..!! {I am the LATE Mr.Raghu...!! :))}
WHY not...today..??
Jusst check the image below this article..!!
this is made by "rotating" a line around an imaginary axis...after (presumably) dipping that line ( or worm, or thread..or whatever..! :) ) in colours/dyes of my CHOICE..!!! ;)
Nice na..?? { He he he !!
I know, this might rotate your head into a tizzy..but TRUST me..it's really NOT that complex...! :) It's amazing HOW complexity arises out of utter Simplicity...like in Fractals,in our Minds, bodies, in the whole Universe..! }
Well...we can design an infinite number of glasses, wine-goblets, or even FLOWER-vases...this way...!!!!
{ Another thing that's making me sleep-less..is to try n find some equations that can produce a huge gamut of FLOWERS...symmetric ones, & even purr-posely(!) asymmetric ones..like Orchids...!! ( I know the purr-pose..GOD/Creator...surely is naughty..!! ;-) ) But one flower that is so hard...isthe ROSE..!! :-( Me is stubbornly AFTER it though...Let us see...!! :) }
if only the output of this could drive a Computer-Controlled Manufacturing machine...!! Hmmmmmm... I could then employ even tiny-tots..& create pioneering, trend-setting new Designs...!!
OLL i wanted to say is...
Sorry to disturb YOU...but THANKS fer allowing me-MORON to...!!!
Take care..and be AWAKE...!! :)
Love & Best Wishes,
The M/Gl/B-aD boy in "rags"
Planet (H)eart(H)
---- "CREATIVITY . . .is making mistakes... ART . . . is knowing which ones to keep...!" :- Scott Adams( the author of my favourite Dilbert cartoon-strip)
Please let me know ---HOW's this image (below)..for a poster/wall-paper...for my-Self...?? :]
Had been wanting to share this Strange Snap frem a LOOOONG time...(perhaps 3-4 years..?? not sure...!! )...
But was groping & struggling for the "right" words to Describe my Deeply CRAZY( or CRAZilY Deep.?!?) HEART & MIND...!!
Thankfully, recently, I stumbled upon this LOVE-ly poem which described things almost perfectly......& decided to put it here..!!
I clicked this snap mySELF...with my baby-camera...! :)
LOVE & Best Wishes, The boy in "rags" Planet (H)earth ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I closemy Eyes...in order tosee..." :-Paul Gauguin ===================== Click on the below image & Let me know HOW it is..!! :)