Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Poetry for the eye...


One of my favourites, one of the most daringly different, brilliant & 'crazy' poets, Cummings was highly influenced by works of Cubism as well & decided to achieve what Picasso et al achieved in Drawing/Painting/Sculptures via Poetry...

He paid tribute to Picasso by creating Poetry "for/of" the Eye...where a poem not only conveys through words & sounds...but by its very visual form too...!

Jusst SEE n 'FEEL' this lit'l beauty which I saw now & typeset fer you...!
[Click on it to view it clearly..! :)]

Now STEP Back...and "SEE" the poem...and what it is TRYing to convey....

...imagine...a leaf falling....hmmmm...!!!....

A tiny gem with a powerful effect on the observer indeed...!!

Keep Smiling, and Keep L(i/o)ving...!! ;-)

Love & Best WIshes,

The boy in "rags"

1 comment:

  1. loneliness - If u take everything out from ()brackets :P - That is what is left



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Thanks a lot in deed.. :)