Déjà View...! :)
Please consider the following 2 snaps...both conceived & formed by 2 different in-duh-viduals, for 2 similar looking visuals...!!
Below is my (self-)snap that I had taken looooong ago(2005 ?!) in my village...on one lonely evening, in the fading twilight...in the mirror...
Hi-s-tory...repeats, rhymes, & chimes...doesn't it...??? :)
Especially, I feel fascinated by How the SAME IDEAS tend to sprout in different minds at different points in Space-Time...! (The idea of GOD, or fer that matter Calculus, are a few of the many glaring examples of this rare-yet-possible phenomenon..!)
THAT, fer me, is something inexpressibly mysterious, yet joy-giving...to contemplate the rare probability that the SAME idea (be it a thought, equation, image, joke, word, poem,...in fact any idea..!) can SPRING up in 2 separate(??!?) brains...! :)
Hmmmmmmm...... :)
The (baffled) boy in rags,
Planet (H)eart(h)